Wright [noun]: a skilled craftsman who builds from the ground-up.
e.g. shipwright, millwright or playwright
Cinewright [noun]: a filmmaker skilled in every aspect of the filmmaking process that it becomes as personal as writing.
Death in Living Color
The magic of filmmaking is that the whole is greater than the sum of all of its parts. Becoming a Cinewright means having the skill set in every aspect of the filmmaking process to create this magic. You are the producer, cinematographer, writer and editor. This larger picture not only unifies the story, your talents as a cinematographer improve when you know what is needed in the edit room. And you are a better editor when you understand the challenges and limitations in the field.
For “Death in Living Color” my students and I traveled to Oaxaca, Mexico. You may be familiar with the Mexican festival “The Day of the Dead” Lesser known is that included in the celebration our the children whose lives were cut short. This was a sensitive story with many angles. My students and I benefited from a cinewright’s perspective for the story in the edit.